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Trademark Search Services

Trademark Search Services

Trademark Clearance Searches

Make a list. Check it twice.

We are excited to announce that we now offer a comprehensive suite of trademark clearance searches, to ensure that there are no major hurdles that would jeopardize your trademark application.

By performing one of these recommended trademark searches, you will be able to better understand the landscape, and go into the trademark application process with the weapon of knowing what else is out there. With these services, we can help you determine whether a potential trademark could end up being rejected on the substantive ground that another confusingly similar mark exists.

Using our Basic Knockout Trademark Search, you can receive 2 day turnaround with insight as to any identical and similar marks filed federally in the U.S. While this service is less comprehensive than our other offerings, it offers same-day turnaround and the confidence to know whether or not any confusingly similar trademarks are currently filed with the USPTO. With this knowledge, we can recommend to you whether or not to pursue your trademark, or whether you should consider re-branding.

Using our Comprehensive Federal Search, we can let you know within 4 business days whether or not there are confusingly similar marks already filed in the U.S.

By ordering our Comprehensive U.S. Search, we can let you know within 4 business days whether or not there are confusingly similar marks already filed in the U.S. (wether with the USPTO or a state trademark registry) as well as alert you to common-law uses of similar marks that don’t have any trademark filings associated with them, but which could nonetheless prove a risk to your registration. 

Gugliotta & Gugliotta, LPA is proud to use professional grade trademark search software to make sure that your trademark search is as accurate as possible. CORSEARCH is an industry-leading trademark search software that we use for U.S. Comprehensive Searches. TrademarkNow is a professional grade trademark search software that we use for our U.S. Federal Searches.


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Our flat-fee packages:

Trademark Searches
from $165.00