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Trademark Renewals

Trademark Renewals

Trademark Renewals

Keep your trademark. Forever.

Believe it or not, trademark rights within the USA can last forever, under the right circumstances. However, trademark owners still need to make periodical trademark renewal filings in order to maintain their registration. Failure to do so will result in your registration being abandoned by the USPTO, and the only recourse is to start from square one and file a brand new application.

There are two types of renewal filings. The first is a one-time renewal that is due between the fifth and sixth year after registration. The second is due ten (10) years after the registration issues, and again every ten years after that.

We are happy to help you renew your trademark. Much like our other trademark services, we are happy to offer efficient and cost-effective flat fee rates for trademark renewals, starting at just $850.00.

If you filed your trademark with Gugliotta & Gugliotta, LPA, we will give your courtesy reminders of upcoming deadlines to renew. However, the responsibility to track and maintain rests solely with you.

We are also happy to offer trademark renewal services even if you filed your application with another firm!

If you suspect that your trademark registration requires an upcoming renewal filing, please complete the form to the right of your screen, and one of our licensed trademark attorneys will respond within 24 hours and provide you with additional information.

Renew today!


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