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Trademark Monitoring Services

Trademark Monitoring

Trademark Monitoring

You filed for a reason.

We are excited to announce that we are now offering a comprehensive suite of services to help you ensure that your trademark and brand stay protected! With these annual services, you can effectively police your trademark. Unfortunately, if you fail to police instances of infringement on your trademark, your brand runs the risk of becoming generic. This would allow any and all of your competitors to use the trademark freely! You don’t want that, and neither do we. With our trademark monitoring services, you can rest assured that nobody is using your trademark in a way that would damage your intellectual property.

Our most comprehensive offering is our Annual U.S. Comprehensive Watch service. This service will let you know if any similar trademark application have been approved by the USPTO and published in the Official Gazette. This will let you take proper action in order to file an appropriate opposition proceeding to defend your trademark. This option also searches for confusingly similar instances in top-level domains and general and industry-specific common law resources, like databases, periodicals, trade journals, and more! This will allow you to better monitor instances of competitors infringing on your trademarks so that you can take the appropriate action to stop them. This service provides all of this peace of mind and allows you to protect your brand for $3,000 USD per year. We will deliver to you weekly reports of any and all instances of the above red flags.

We also offer an Annual U.S. Federal Watch service. While less comprehensive, this service will let you know if any similar trademark applications have been published in the USPTO Official Gazette. For $750.00 USD per year, you can rest assured that you will know exactly when and against whom you will need to file opposition proceedings.

If you have any questions or concerns about your particular trademark, please contact us! We are always happy to provide a complimentary consultation to discuss your trademark needs.


How it works:

Step 1: Complete our online order form and pay the initial flat fee for your desired package (this is an annual fee)

Step 2: Our attorneys will use Corsearch’s industry-leading monitoring software to monitor all newly published applications on the Official Gazette, to ensure that no one else attempts to register an identical or confusingly similar trademark as yours. If you chose our U.S. Comprehensive Watch service, we will also monitor your trademark for additional uses made by a third party.

Step 3: For 12 months, we will deliver periodic reports to you by email, detailing any instances where your trademark may be infringed upon. We will also advise you on what actions you need to take to best enforce and protect your trademark.


Request a free initial consultation.

Our flat-fee packages: